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Whatever your story is, sharing it at Village TARP can make all the difference.

Village TARP is a community of volunteers and supporters of The Adolescent Redemption Project working to bring justice to people incarcerated when they were under 25 years old. We gather to get to know each other, strengthen our bonds, and address important issues.

What to expect at a Village TARP gathering:

  1. Meet and connect with people who care about mercy for incarcerated people.

  2. News and updates about the many things going on at TARP to reform our justice system in Michigan and beyond.

  3. An opportunity to ask questions of TARP board members and communicate with inmates.

  4. Hear stories from prisoners and visions of reform moving toward the future we all want.

  5. Find ways you can support this movement and the people creating the change.

We look forward to seeing you at the next gathering!