Power of the Grind

Youth growth & development through guided mentorship.

Power of the Grind

This course focuses on giving participants the skills needed to identify their strengths and weaknesses, core values, define success, develop & set goals, create action steps, and manage their emotions. We cover gratitude, time management, importance of a prosocial inner circle , the law of attraction, and the importance of good mentorship.

TARRP mentors use our courses to assist youth to grow to their full potential like no other organization can because our team of mentors come with the lived experiences and personal successes to identify with youth from any background.

We intentionally use justice impacted mentors and our courses we created by individuals who were formerly justice impacted because it is only through creditable messengers that our youth will ever receive the message of positive change, and upliftment that we desire to impart upon them. It is only though those who created the problem that we can ever solve the problems of our communities.